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澳大利亚查尔斯达尔文大学Michael Fellows教授学术报告

发布时间:2015-07-01 编辑: 来源:

Speaker: Prof. Michael Fellows, Australian Professorial Fellow, Charles Darwin University
Time:14:00-15:30, July 1st
Venue: Room 202, Second Floor, Office Building, Software Campus
Host: Prof. Jiong Guo

Title:  A Gentle Introduction to Multivariate Algorithmics and its Newest Frontiers in Practical Computing

Abstract:  A multivariate view of algorithms and complexity has developed strongly in theoretical computer science over recent decades, offering a much more fine-grained view of computational tractability and intractability, going far beyond the traditional framework of P versus NP.  The talk will offer a gentle and intuitive, concretely illustrated overview of the main ideas.  The fine-grained multivariate approach to these core issues of algorithm design and performance brings mathematical power closer to everyday practical applications in computing.  The talk will also describe some new frontiers in this direction that seem to offer broad new opportunities for practical impact of multivariate algorithmics.

Bio:Prof. Fellows received his PhD from the University of California, San Diego, in 1985 and has since taught at universities in the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. He is currently an Australian Professorial Fellow at Charles Darwin University, Australia and the Director of the Parameterized Complexity Research Unit (PCRU). In 2014, he became one of ten inaugural fellows of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. Prof. Fellows is recognized as one of the founders of parameterized complexity and for his fundamental work on parameterized complexity, he has won several major awards such as the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, EATCS-NERODE Prize and ABZ International Medal. Prof. Fellows is an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Algorithms and of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences.


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